Last edited 4 months ago
by Anna Lionetti

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{{DISPLAYTITLE:Share Family news and updates}}
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Find out the latest news about the [ Share Family of initiatives] and the most relevant updates on the developments going on within the various [[ShareFamily:Main Page#The Share Family map|branches of the family]].
This section includes the latest issue of the Share Family Bulletin. More information on the current activities going on within the various [ branches of the Share Family] can be found throughout this wiki website, which is the informative hub of Share-VDE and the Share Family.

For a general presentation of the Share Family, of its mission and values, and to find out the latest news, you can also explore the brochure website
To explore previous issues of the Share Family Bulletin, feel free to navigate through the following links:
* [ Number 1, December 2019]
* [ Number 2, November 2020]
* [ Number 3, October 2021]
* [ Number 4, January 2022]
* [ Number 5, May 2022]
* [ Number 6, September 2022]
* [ Number 7, January 2023]
* [ Number 8, December 2023]
'''<big>Number 9, July 2024</big>'''
You can download a printable version at
Citation: Share Family Team, ''Share Family Bulletin'' ''9'' (July 2024),
== Introduction ==
The Share Family progress continues, with ongoing efforts dedicated to advancing the [ LOD Platform technology] into production workflows, enhancing system components, and transitioning to the new version 3 of our application.
== Version 3.0.0 release and LOD Platform developments ==
First of all, we're very excited to announce the major release of the 3.0.0 version of our software! You can find the release notes here: [[ShareDoc:PublicDocumentation/Release notes|]].   
This is a major release that introduces many changes in the software and in data processing algorithms. The new version of the [[ShareDoc:PublicDocumentation/LODPlatform|Share Family LOD Platform technology]] framework will be installed in the various environments of [[ShareFamily:Main Page#The%20Share%20Family%20branches%20(tenants)|Share Family tenants]] over the next period.
The release encompasses the following components of the LOD Platform: Cluster Management Module (which manages the clusters of entities that feed the CKB - Cluster Knowledge Base, also called Entity Knowledge Base), API layer, Front-end module, RDBMS (database), RDFizer (BIBFRAME / RDF conversion module). Being a major release, several important features and new components have been added to the system, ie. Delta processes, UNIMARC services and JCricket entity editor, the platform’s shared cataloguing tool. This release addresses both bug fixes as well as new developments and enhancements.
The software versions released over time are shared across all layers of [ Share Family initiative]’s technology. For an overview of the software versions installed on the different environments, see [ Share Family AWS environments summary]. 
The summary below describes some of the major and most relevant features, with a high-level mention. Further information on descriptive tasks corresponding to implementations can be found in the release notes.
=== JCricket Entity Editor ===
JCricket is the tool for collaborative linked data entity management and shared cataloguing. It enables - according to the BIBFRAME ontology - the entity curation (e.g. creation of new entities, entity modification, the application of entity merge and split functions). The scope is to improve the quality of the Entity Knowledge Base, a source of living data produced through clustering and ongoing update processes. JCricket is a manual application that makes it possible to manage bibliographic data in the form of entities. It empowers professional librarians to enhance the quality of machine-generated data output of MARC to BIBFRAME transformation. Its optimal application is within a large data pool formed through contributions from multiple libraries, such as Share-VDE; therefore, it does not impact original data that reside in member libraries’ systems, unless libraries want to use ad hoc APIs for entity updates both in SVDE and in their local systems, which is also an option.
Initially, Share members are currently testing JCricket under controlled conditions. You can explore more of JCricket in the [[ShareDoc:PublicDocumentation|Public Documentation section]] of the Share Family wiki at [[ShareDoc:PublicDocumentation/LODPlatform/EntityEditor|]] and check out Tiziana Possemato’s demo of JCricket entity editor at the 2024 Share Family Workshop:
=== Data management ===
'''<big>Fine-tuning of data update procedures</big>'''
Data update processes handle ongoing updates (“delta updates” in Share Family jargon), to enable periodic imports of MARC records for continuous update of system data. By “Delta” updates we mean the changes that occur to the library records that are periodically pushed to the LOD Platform, to be published on the discovery portal. The automation of the ingestion in the LOD Platform of updated library records has the purpose of regularly updating the data available through the discovery interface and the other endpoints of the workflow where the data are available. This means updating the data of the clustered entities and the related resources searchable on the discovery interface and in the triplestore, according to the frequency requested by the library.
The RDFizer module that automates the entire process of converting and publishing data in RDF-based BIBFRAME descriptions has implemented conversion for additional MARC21 bibliographic tags and subfields to be compliant with the mapping and conversion rules published by the Library of Congress (version 2.4). As mentioned in [ previous updates], the work is proceeding for creating a finer granularity level in the CKB: all MARC and UNIMARC fields and subfields have been mapped, which will also support the implementations related to Linked Data Fragments (see below).
'''<big>Linked Data Fragments</big>'''
We are experimenting with a new approach for publishing linked data descriptions in various serialization formats. In big data-driven environments, accessing, querying, and processing vast datasets efficiently is challenging. Linked Data Fragments (LDF) have emerged as a promising paradigm to address these challenges by providing a distributed and scalable approach for publishing and serving Linked Data. As part of this initial investigation, we developed a set of Web APIs that adopt Linked Data Fragments and provide the following benefits: real-time RDF generation and publication, on-demand ontology mapping, and multi-provenance management.
More will be shared as soon as the proof of concept will be available. In the meantime, access Andrea Gazzarini’s presentation about Linked Data Fragments titled ''Real-Time “RDFization” - How to provide instant Semantic Graphs without any RDF storage'' at the 2024 Share Family Workshop:
* slides:;
* recording: .
Numerous advancements were implemented based on direct mapping between UNIMARC and BIBFRAME. The UNIMARC services development stems from the SHARE Catalogue project and the Italian libraries affiliated to this platform, but it can benefit all institutions adopting UNIMARC. These libraries are involved in a specific project related to the direct management of UNIMARC records in clusterization and reconciliation processes without the “middle step conversion” from UNIMARC to MARC21. All related developments are finalized to allow the migration of the SHARE Catalogue platform to the new CKB infrastructure, according to the above-mentioned approach. This work will be shared with the linked data community through a Wikibase instance that will be enriched and documented.
To learn more about this topic, you can check out ''The SHARE Catalogue: UNIMARC-BIBFRAME Mapping - An Evolving Path'', presented by Claudio Forziati at the 2024 Share Family Workshop.
* slides:;
* recording: .
'''<big>Clusterization processes</big>'''
For further details on improvements on the Share Family’s clusterization processes, delve into this version’s release notes on the Share Family wiki at [[ShareDoc:PublicDocumentation/Release notes]].   
'''<big>Third parties integration</big>'''                           
New data workflows are being analysed to support the use of the LOD Platform technology even outside of the Share Family environment, for the integration with ILS / LSP. We are considering several scenarios where the Share linked data system can simultaneously or alternatively operate on local library systems using libraries’ own tools, and share and cooperatively edit linked data resources across different environments using the JCricket entity editor.
The integration with environments and tools like FOLIO, Sinopia and WeCat is proceeding, and a use case for the integration of JCricket and FOLIO will be presented at future conferences this year. A first look at the integration between Share Family technologies and FOLIO was recently presented by Sebastian Hammer and Boaz Nadav Manes at the 2024 Share Family Workshop, in a session named ''FOLIO and Lehigh University Pilot''.
* slides:;
* recording:
=== Front-end enhancements ===
'''<big>Subjects and Concepts</big>'''
We have made improvements to the previous version of Subjects and Concepts display. The concept types implemented in the backend include: Date, Event, Family, Form, Format, Generic Concept, Genre, Language, Meeting, Opus, Organization, Person, Place, Topic. They are returned on the front-end with a basic set of data and relationships with the works connected with the subject.
The Subject tab in the Publication page shows the list of subject string and the concepts derived from it:
[[File:Subject tab.png|thumb|547x547px|none]]
By clicking on a subject string, users can see a list of works related to that subject, as well as how the subject string is connected to the concepts it comprises.
[[File:Subject page.png|thumb|559x559px|none]]
Clicking on the concepts, a basic version of the Concept page is displayed.
'''<big>Similar Publications tab</big>'''
A new tab on the Publication page showing similar Publications in the same language. We are analysing the algorithm to create similar publications to extend its scope to broader similarity criteria.
[[File:Similar publications.png|thumb|593x593px|none]]
'''<big>Small revamping to look and feel</big>'''
As part of the UX/UI working group's activities, it was decided to switch to sans-serif fonts for a modern look and feel. Additionally, elements on the homepage of have been resized to create a more harmonious and visually appealing design.
'''<big>Portal switch mechanism</big>'''
A new Switch site button has been added at the bottom of portal group and skin / institutional portals homepages internal pages ([[ShareDoc:PublicDocumentation/LODPlatform/DiscoveryInterface|see definitions of portal groups and skin portals]]). This button opens a menu where users can select through which portal they want to explore. The aim is to connect portal groups with the related skin portal, so that end users have an immediate overview of what individual skin portals are connected to a portal group.
[[File:Switch site.png|thumb|584x584px|none]]
Overall, the majority of fixes and enhancements extend to rectifying data retrieval errors and fine-tuning data retrieval errors, culminating in a more uniform and seamless user interaction with the system. Across the board, these efforts work cohesively to bolster the system's intuitiveness and reliability, facilitating smoother navigation and ensuring precise data representation.
== Share Family community work and cooperation ==
The Share Family is committed to fostering cooperation among its member institutions to showcase the immense value of being part of an initiative developed and driven by libraries for libraries.
Ongoing conversations with consortia representatives are underway to define the configurations of this innovative collaboration.
As an example of this effort, the [ Share Family Executive Summary for Consortia] offers additional insights into how the Share Family can assist consortia in transitioning to linked open data, providing valuable strategies and support. Approved by our Advisory Council, the document emphasizes Share Family’s pivotal role in aiding consortia in adopting linked data methodologies for enhanced collaboration. The Share Family aims to empower consortia with the tools and knowledge necessary to seamlessly integrate linked open data principles, fostering innovation and interoperability within consortia networks.
=== Share-VDE and Share Family Working Groups ===
Working Groups are the backbone of Share Family activities, which are driven by input from member institutions in a joint effort with Share Staff.
Important tasks are being carried on to support the complete shaping of the [ SVDE Ontology] within the [[ShareVDE:Members/Share-VDE working groups#SVDE-AC%20Sapientia%20Entity%20Identification%20working%20group%20(SEI)|Sapientia Entity Identification group]]: at the time of writing, the definition of the Opus type individuals is being consolidated (ie. the addition to the ontology of the definitions of the various types of Opus, ie. abstract works and resources that the entity model can support). These additions will be reflected by both the general search and discovery portal, as well as in JCricket Entity Editor.
More on the work carried out on the Opus types was shared by Nancy Lorimer at the 2024 Share Family Workshop in her ''SVDE Ontology - Update July 2024''.
* slides:;
* recording: .
The [[ShareVDE:Members/Share-VDE working groups#SVDE-AC%20User%20Experience.2FUser%20Interface%20working%20group%20.28UX-UI.29|User Experience – User Interface Working Group]] cooperating with the [[ShareVDE:Members/Share-VDE working groups#Share%20Family%20National%20Bibliographies%20working%20group%20.28Natbib.29|National Bibliographies Working Group]] has analyzed the front-end layer of the entity discovery portals according to a set of evaluation criteria (including for example usability and accessibility, consistency of design and navigation, overall user friendliness, integration with SVDE features and local library discoveries etc.), and is now revising a new design proposal for the Publication page of the entity discovery portal, presenting the aggregation of Work and Instance data. Also the relationship between publication data and the connected item data are being reviewed by identifying user tasks for publication and item data discovery, to support better navigation and end user data consumption.
=== IFLA, Linked data and BIBFRAME communities ===
Share Family members continue to play an active role in the library information and linked data communities.
Tiziana Possemato takes on the role of Official liaison IFLA Bibliography Section / Share Family National Bibliographies group, formerly held by Maud Henry from KBR - Royal Library of Belgium. This will ensure the continuation of the collaboration with the IFLA Bibliography Section that Tiziana is already a member of. Related to IFLA activities, a presentation was given at IFLA Midterm meeting of the IFLA Section Preservation and Conservation (PRESCONS), on March 22 2024, by Tiziana Possemato, on the topic of [ The Share Family initiative to bring Linked Open Data into practice].
Share-VDE participation in the [ BIG - BIBFRAME Interoperability Group] established to create guidelines for data exchange in BIBFRAME, continues successfully, This cooperation with organisations and projects in the BIBFRAME community will foster the extension of the methods and tools shared by linked data nodes for BIBFRAME interoperability.
== Information resources ==
To facilitate the continuous exchange of ideas and principles that collectively define the vision, aims, and progress of Share Family environments and their tools, new materials and accompanying documents have been created to guide member institutions through this process. By utilizing shared materials and documents, member institutions can seamlessly integrate into the Share Family, actively participate in collaborative initiatives, and contribute to the ongoing development and success of the endeavor.
=== Publications ===
==== Article in the Cataloging & Classification Quarterly journal "A Comparative Evaluation of the Share-VDE Search System" ====
We are pleased to announce the publication of "A Comparative Evaluation of the Share-VDE Search System" by Jim Hahn, Kayt Ahnberg, and Liliana Giusti Serra from the University of Pennsylvania in Cataloging & Classification Quarterly.
This article details a two-year study involving remote UX interviews with twenty participants, including catalogers, students, and faculty. The research used IFLA LRM user tasks and interface evaluation methods to assess how linked data, specifically BIBFRAME, supports search objectives through the Share-VDE portal.
* Full pre-print article:  
* Article citation: Hahn, Jim, Kayt Ahnberg, and Liliana Giusti Serra. 2024. “A Comparative Evaluation of the Share-VDE Search System.” Cataloging & Classification Quarterly, 62 (2),
==== CNI Project Briefing Series contribution with Share Family video presentation ====
We recently participated in the Coalition for Networked Information's Project Briefing Series, where we shared insights from the ongoing efforts of the Share Family initiative.
Nina Servizzi, Martin Knott and Jacquie Samples presented "The Share Family: Cooperation and Interconnection for a Sustainable Linked Open Data Ecosystem", providing an overview of the Share Family's linked data ecosystem and its impact on library operations.
They explored various aspects, including collaborative cataloging, advanced metadata management tools, and discovery portals, highlighting how these innovations are shaping knowledge accessibility. Access the recording and presentation slides on the [ CNI’s website] and on our wiki at [[ShareFamily:Resources#Year%202024|]].
You can read and share the announcement on the Share Family website:
==== Parsifal: monograph on "A model of library collaboration for sharing recorded knowledge" ====
The digital edition of Parsifal proceedings is online at It features papers presented at Parsifal catalog inauguration: "A model of library collaboration for sharing recorded knowledge", held at the Pontificia Università Urbaniana, Vatican City, on May 11th, 2023, along with other previously unpublished essays. The print edition has been released in May. You can access this resource also on the Share Family wiki [[ShareFamily:Resources#Bibliographic%20references|]].
Highlighted articles include:
* [[doi:10.36253/979-12-215-0356-2.07|''Parsifal: an innovative and powerful bibliographic research tool'']] by Mauro Guerrini (in English);
* [[doi:10.36253/979-12-215-0356-2.12|''Parsifal: Harmonizing tradition with modernity. The shared Authority File of URBE as a new ground for collaboration'']] by Tiziana Possemato, Annalisa Di Sabato, Alessandra Moi (in Italian);
* [[doi:10.36253/979-12-215-0356-2.14|''SHARE Catalogue’s new LOD Platform: an evolution marked by the collaborative practices of the Share Family'']] by Claudio Forziati, Annalisa Di Sabato, Rossella Molisso, Chiara Mugnano (in Italian);
* [[doi:10.36253/979-12-215-0356-2.17|''History of the collaboration between Wikidata and URBE Network Libraries in Authority Control'']] by Camillo Carlo Pellizzari di San Girolamo (in Italian);
* [[doi:10.36253/979-12-215-0356-2.19|''Parsifal’s web portal: structure and communication of bibliographic data and the Authority file'']] by Stefano Bargioni, Giuseppina Manuli, Marcello Sardelli, Tiziana Selvaggio (in Italian).
You can read and share the announcement on the Share Family website:
=== Dissemination channels ===
==== Website [] ====
The primary channel for staying up to date with our project is the Share Family website, []. This digital hub connects our community and serves as a window into the heart of the Share Family initiative, offering a comprehensive overview of our mission, values, goals, and technology. Additionally, the website is a dynamic platform for staying informed about our latest activities, events, and advancements.
==== YouTube channel ====
Check out the Share Family’s new YouTube channel at
Subscribe to keep up to date with our presentations and events, access informative materials and more!  
Our latest videos:
* Share Family Workshop at 2024 ALA Annual: ;
* Brand new series of informative videos about the Share Family “Share Family: Linked Data for Libraries, by Libraries”, addressing the vision and core concepts of the initiative:
=== New [[ShareDoc:PublicDocumentation|Public Documentation]] section in the Share Family wiki ===
This wiki section offers a wealth of resources meticulously curated to enhance your knowledge of our projects.
This section contains information about the technological core of the Share Family, the [[ShareDoc:PublicDocumentation/LODPlatform|LOD Platform]]. Insights into the LOD Platform provide a comprehensive overview of the tools, frameworks, and technologies employed to construct and maintain this robust infrastructure supporting the Share Family. Also, the options available for configuring the Entity Discovery Portal part of the LOD Platform provide an overview of the options designed to enhance the experience of end users navigating the linked data descriptions of the resources displayed. These can be applied to individual institutions, consortia or networks of institutions.
From detailed [[ShareDoc:PublicDocumentation/User guides|user guides]] about our discovery portals and editing tool, to the [[ShareDoc:Glossary|glossary]], to exhaustive [[ShareDoc:PublicDocumentation/Release notes|release notes]] providing insights into every incremental update, this documentation ensures you're always informed and up-to-date about new developments.
Developers and enthusiasts alike will also be able to access a wealth of [[ShareDoc:PublicDocumentation/APIs|API documentation]] and delve deeper into the technological underpinnings of Share Family with comprehensive information on its core components. This section is a work in progress and will be enriched with more detailed documentation about key components.
Begin your exploration of Share Family's documentation by clicking on this link: [[ShareDoc:PublicDocumentation|]].
You can read and share the announcement on the Share Family website:
== Events ==
Regular virtual and in-person events, such as conferences, workshops, and working group meetings, provide opportunities for member institutions to connect, share ideas, and explore potential areas of collaboration.
As usual, documentation stemming from events and presentations (slides and, often, recordings) is available on this page [[ShareVDE:Resources#Year%202023|Share Family wiki]].

==Share-VDE and Share Family New Year update (January 2022)==
=== Share Family workshop at ALA 2024 ===
<span style="font-family:&quot;Arial Nova Cond&quot;,sans-serif">As 2022 has started, we are happy to look at the results achieved within the Share-VDE initiative over the past year and share with you the goals for the next period.</span>
We're excited to share that slides and recording of the 2024 Share-VDE workshop, held on July 1, 2024 at ALA Annual, are now available for access on our [[ShareFamily:Resources#Year%202024:~:text%3DShare-VDE%20Workshop%2C%20at%20ALA%20Annual%2C%20July%201%202024%2C%20by%20various%20speakers%3B%20recording%20available|wiki page]].

<span style="font-family:&quot;Arial Nova Cond&quot;,sans-serif">Since the release of Share-VDE 2.0 new version in September available at [], other advancements have been done particularly to the system infrastructure and to the features that leverage the API layer orchestrating the query of SVDE data. Among others, the content negotiation mechanism used for serving different representations of a resource, and the Provenance that supports the tracking of the data source. More information is available, don’t hesitate to ask for details about API queries.</span>
Workshop Agenda:

<span style="font-family:&quot;Arial Nova Cond&quot;,sans-serif">To provide feedback on the new version of [], do report bugs and suggestions reaching out through the forum</span>
* '''JCricket Linked Data Editor Demonstration''', Tiziana Possemato, Casalini Libri and @Cult - Share Family;
* '''FOLIO and Lehigh University Pilot''', Boaz Nadav Manes, Lehigh University and Sebastian Hammer, Index Data;
* '''SVDE Ontology - Update July 2024''', Nancy Lorimer, Stanford University;
* '''The SHARE Catalogue: Unimarc-Bibframe Mapping - An Evolving Path''', Claudio Forziati, Federico II University in Naples, SHARE Catalogue;
* '''Real-Time “RDFization” - How to Provide Instant Semantic Graphs without Any RDF Storage''', Andrea Gazzarini, Spaziocodice - Share Family.

<span style="font-family:&quot;Arial Nova Cond&quot;,sans-serif">The new year is very promising as far as upgrades to the Share-VDE 2.0 linked data management system and discovery portal.</span>
Direct links:

<span style="font-family:&quot;Arial Nova Cond&quot;,sans-serif">We are working on several important objectives and it may be useful to anticipate some that we hope will be of interest to the members of Share-VDE and to the wider community of the Share Family of initiatives.</span>
* Slides:;
* Recording: [].

<span style="font-family:&quot;Arial Nova Cond&quot;,sans-serif">The recent huge improvements to the system infrastructure will support the operations for the incremental import of SVDE libraries catalogues that will populate the entity discovery.</span>
=== Share Family update at the Library of Congress July 2024 BIBFRAME Update Forum ===
Tiziana Possemato participated in the Library of Congress July 2024 BIBFRAME Update Forum, providing an update on the Share Family linked data ecosystem and its component, [[Main Page|Share-VDE]].  

<span style="font-family:&quot;Arial Nova Cond&quot;,sans-serif">J.Cricket, the module for the editing of linked data entities, will be developed throughout 2022 and will benefit from the developments done for SVDE 2.0. Also, the functional analysis done by the [[ShareVDE:Members/Share-VDE working groups|SVDE dedicated working groups]] has framed the interaction with external data sources to be incorporated into J.Cricket, and we look forward to start working on the inclusion of Wikidata and ISNI data, after the main features of the editor will be completed.</span>
The various Share Family projects uphold the standardization of BIBFRAME linked data as defined by the Library of Congress. The presentation emphasized how standard BIBFRAME is crucial to the library community’s integrated environments, especially as systems proliferate, from both the interoperability and the data curation perspectives.  

<span style="font-family:&quot;Arial Nova Cond&quot;,sans-serif">The working group devoted to [ entity modeling] will consolidate the definition of Share-VDE Instance entity properties and will review clustering and conversion rules to optimise system processes, as part of the regular group activities. This is one of the added values to the management of a union catalogue such as Share-VDE.</span>
Follow [ this link] for slides and a recording of the presentation titled Fostering BIBFRAME collaboration: interoperability and data curation with the Share Family.  

<span style="font-family:&quot;Arial Nova Cond&quot;,sans-serif">Developments will continue to complete customised skin portals and SVDE localisations.</span>
== Next events ==
Updates on events involving the Share Family are regularly published on the website page

<span style="font-family:&quot;Arial Nova Cond&quot;,sans-serif">After the analysis done by the SVDE working groups dedicated to authority management, the initial release of the authority control features (through both automated and manual processes) for MARC-based environments is being refined, and Stanford University Libraries is early adopter. The next step will be the implementation of BIBFRAME-based authority workflows.</span>
=== BIBFRAME Workshop in Europe 2024 ===
Tiziana Possemato will present Share Family: advancements in linked data collaboration at the 2024 BIBFRAME Workshop in Europe. This will be an update on current developments,  especially on the JCricket entity editor, UNIMARC management and third party interoperability. Check out the BIBFRAME Workshop in Europe’s website and register in person or online:

<span style="font-family:&quot;Arial Nova Cond&quot;,sans-serif">We are very happy about the progress of the new working group dedicated to National Bibliographies that has been meeting regularly since early September. The involvement of SVDE members and external institutions enriches the discussion of interesting input for the creation of an ad hoc Share Family tenant hosting national bibliographies data.</span>
=== Share Family meeting in Helsinki – members only ===
On Thursday 19th September 2024 we will hold a private, informal Share Family meeting in Helsinki, at NLF National Library of Finland!

<span style="font-family:&quot;Arial Nova Cond&quot;,sans-serif">Connected to this, we will be working to the <span class="MsoHyperlink"><span style="color: #0060DF">[ <span style="color: #0060DF">Share Family tenant infrastructure</span>]</span></span> that allows configurability and flexibility of the data grouped and presented according to each specific library or library consortia domain needs.</span>
This meeting will be after the two-days BIBFRAME Workshop in Europe, also held at NLF on 17-18 September. More logistic instructions on how to participate in-presence and online will be sent to members.

<span style="font-family:&quot;Arial Nova Cond&quot;,sans-serif">Various strands of cooperation have been continued and new ones have been activated within the community of institutions that adopt linked data.</span>
=== WOLFCon 2024 ===
Tiziana Possemato, Sebastian Hammer and representatives from Lehigh University Libraries will participate in WOLFcon 2024 with a session titled [ MARC My Words: Navigating the BIBFRAME Frontier]. Learn more about WOLFcon and how to register here:

<span style="font-family:&quot;Arial Nova Cond&quot;,sans-serif">Our commitment with the PCC is proceeding to feed the open pool of PCC-quality BIBFRAME data available as a trusted data source for cataloguers.</span>
=== DCMI 2024 ===
Andrea Gazzarini will present Leveraging Linked Data Fragments for enhanced data publication: the Share-VDE case study at this year’s DCMI in Toronto. More information about the 2024 DCMI here: More details will be shared as soon as the program is available.

<span style="font-family:&quot;Arial Nova Cond&quot;,sans-serif">The collaboration with LD4P3 continues to be an important part of SVDE community work, e.g. as far as the harmonisation of SVDE conversion vs. Sinopia data and connection with Sinopia environment is concerned.</span>
=== Charleston Conference 2024 ===
Nina Servizzi, Boaz Nadav-Manes, Sebastian Hammer, Tiziana Possemato will present in a joint session New pathways for resource description and interoperability: innovative strategies from the Share Family Ecosystem. More information about the Charleston Conference 2024 here: More details will be shared as soon as the program is available.

<span style="font-family:&quot;Arial Nova Cond&quot;,sans-serif">Working Groups involving the Library of Congress, Stanford, OCLC and SVDE stemmed from the [ PCC BIBFRAME Data Exchange meeting] held in September 9-10 2021: the output of this activity will be crucial to reinforce the role of the BIBFRAME nodes in the library community and to foster interoperability among them.</span>

<span style="font-family:&quot;Arial Nova Cond&quot;,sans-serif">Among the other initiatives and projects based on the same <span class="MsoHyperlink"><span style="color: #0060DF">[ <span style="color: #0060DF">LOD Platform technology framework</span>]</span></span> as Share-VDE, it’s worth mentioning the Kubikat-LOD project where important components emerged that serve the whole Share Family infrastructure. Work is currently progressing for the release of the specific Kubikat tenant.</span>

<span style="font-family:&quot;Arial Nova Cond&quot;,sans-serif">The [ Share-Catalogue project] is working on the alignment of their processes to SVDE, for example through the update of UNIMARC - BIBFRAME conversion.</span>
Your opinion is always welcome: to provide feedback on the Share Family discovery website, report bugs and suggestions as external users reach out through the forum<nowiki/> or send a message to [].

<span style="font-family:&quot;Arial Nova Cond&quot;,sans-serif">All the results achieved and the forthcoming ones are possible also thanks to library members of Share-VDE and Share Family Working Groups and parallel projects that support this initiative and are constantly contributing with the competences of their Subject Matter Experts.</span>
For general information on the initiative, contact [].  

<span style="font-family:&quot;Arial Nova Cond&quot;,sans-serif">The input that we gather from the linked data community as a whole is also very precious to improve our work.</span>
<span style="font-size:11.0pt;font-family:&quot;Arial Nova Cond&quot;,sans-serif;
AR-SA">For further information on any of the above, do not hesitate to contact us at [] or consult this wiki site.</span><br />

Latest revision as of 12:40, 9 September 2024

This section includes the latest issue of the Share Family Bulletin. More information on the current activities going on within the various branches of the Share Family can be found throughout this wiki website, which is the informative hub of Share-VDE and the Share Family.

For a general presentation of the Share Family, of its mission and values, and to find out the latest news, you can also explore the brochure website

To explore previous issues of the Share Family Bulletin, feel free to navigate through the following links:

Number 9, July 2024

You can download a printable version at

Citation: Share Family Team, Share Family Bulletin 9 (July 2024),


The Share Family progress continues, with ongoing efforts dedicated to advancing the LOD Platform technology into production workflows, enhancing system components, and transitioning to the new version 3 of our application.

Version 3.0.0 release and LOD Platform developments

First of all, we're very excited to announce the major release of the 3.0.0 version of our software! You can find the release notes here:   

This is a major release that introduces many changes in the software and in data processing algorithms. The new version of the Share Family LOD Platform technology framework will be installed in the various environments of Share Family tenants over the next period.

The release encompasses the following components of the LOD Platform: Cluster Management Module (which manages the clusters of entities that feed the CKB - Cluster Knowledge Base, also called Entity Knowledge Base), API layer, Front-end module, RDBMS (database), RDFizer (BIBFRAME / RDF conversion module). Being a major release, several important features and new components have been added to the system, ie. Delta processes, UNIMARC services and JCricket entity editor, the platform’s shared cataloguing tool. This release addresses both bug fixes as well as new developments and enhancements.

The software versions released over time are shared across all layers of Share Family initiative’s technology. For an overview of the software versions installed on the different environments, see Share Family AWS environments summary. 

The summary below describes some of the major and most relevant features, with a high-level mention. Further information on descriptive tasks corresponding to implementations can be found in the release notes.

JCricket Entity Editor

JCricket is the tool for collaborative linked data entity management and shared cataloguing. It enables - according to the BIBFRAME ontology - the entity curation (e.g. creation of new entities, entity modification, the application of entity merge and split functions). The scope is to improve the quality of the Entity Knowledge Base, a source of living data produced through clustering and ongoing update processes. JCricket is a manual application that makes it possible to manage bibliographic data in the form of entities. It empowers professional librarians to enhance the quality of machine-generated data output of MARC to BIBFRAME transformation. Its optimal application is within a large data pool formed through contributions from multiple libraries, such as Share-VDE; therefore, it does not impact original data that reside in member libraries’ systems, unless libraries want to use ad hoc APIs for entity updates both in SVDE and in their local systems, which is also an option.

Initially, Share members are currently testing JCricket under controlled conditions. You can explore more of JCricket in the Public Documentation section of the Share Family wiki at and check out Tiziana Possemato’s demo of JCricket entity editor at the 2024 Share Family Workshop:

Data management

Fine-tuning of data update procedures

Data update processes handle ongoing updates (“delta updates” in Share Family jargon), to enable periodic imports of MARC records for continuous update of system data. By “Delta” updates we mean the changes that occur to the library records that are periodically pushed to the LOD Platform, to be published on the discovery portal. The automation of the ingestion in the LOD Platform of updated library records has the purpose of regularly updating the data available through the discovery interface and the other endpoints of the workflow where the data are available. This means updating the data of the clustered entities and the related resources searchable on the discovery interface and in the triplestore, according to the frequency requested by the library.


The RDFizer module that automates the entire process of converting and publishing data in RDF-based BIBFRAME descriptions has implemented conversion for additional MARC21 bibliographic tags and subfields to be compliant with the mapping and conversion rules published by the Library of Congress (version 2.4). As mentioned in previous updates, the work is proceeding for creating a finer granularity level in the CKB: all MARC and UNIMARC fields and subfields have been mapped, which will also support the implementations related to Linked Data Fragments (see below).

Linked Data Fragments

We are experimenting with a new approach for publishing linked data descriptions in various serialization formats. In big data-driven environments, accessing, querying, and processing vast datasets efficiently is challenging. Linked Data Fragments (LDF) have emerged as a promising paradigm to address these challenges by providing a distributed and scalable approach for publishing and serving Linked Data. As part of this initial investigation, we developed a set of Web APIs that adopt Linked Data Fragments and provide the following benefits: real-time RDF generation and publication, on-demand ontology mapping, and multi-provenance management.

More will be shared as soon as the proof of concept will be available. In the meantime, access Andrea Gazzarini’s presentation about Linked Data Fragments titled Real-Time “RDFization” - How to provide instant Semantic Graphs without any RDF storage at the 2024 Share Family Workshop:


Numerous advancements were implemented based on direct mapping between UNIMARC and BIBFRAME. The UNIMARC services development stems from the SHARE Catalogue project and the Italian libraries affiliated to this platform, but it can benefit all institutions adopting UNIMARC. These libraries are involved in a specific project related to the direct management of UNIMARC records in clusterization and reconciliation processes without the “middle step conversion” from UNIMARC to MARC21. All related developments are finalized to allow the migration of the SHARE Catalogue platform to the new CKB infrastructure, according to the above-mentioned approach. This work will be shared with the linked data community through a Wikibase instance that will be enriched and documented.

To learn more about this topic, you can check out The SHARE Catalogue: UNIMARC-BIBFRAME Mapping - An Evolving Path, presented by Claudio Forziati at the 2024 Share Family Workshop.

Clusterization processes

For further details on improvements on the Share Family’s clusterization processes, delve into this version’s release notes on the Share Family wiki at ShareDoc:PublicDocumentation/Release notes.

Third parties integration

New data workflows are being analysed to support the use of the LOD Platform technology even outside of the Share Family environment, for the integration with ILS / LSP. We are considering several scenarios where the Share linked data system can simultaneously or alternatively operate on local library systems using libraries’ own tools, and share and cooperatively edit linked data resources across different environments using the JCricket entity editor.

The integration with environments and tools like FOLIO, Sinopia and WeCat is proceeding, and a use case for the integration of JCricket and FOLIO will be presented at future conferences this year. A first look at the integration between Share Family technologies and FOLIO was recently presented by Sebastian Hammer and Boaz Nadav Manes at the 2024 Share Family Workshop, in a session named FOLIO and Lehigh University Pilot.

Front-end enhancements

Subjects and Concepts

We have made improvements to the previous version of Subjects and Concepts display. The concept types implemented in the backend include: Date, Event, Family, Form, Format, Generic Concept, Genre, Language, Meeting, Opus, Organization, Person, Place, Topic. They are returned on the front-end with a basic set of data and relationships with the works connected with the subject.

The Subject tab in the Publication page shows the list of subject string and the concepts derived from it:

Subject tab.png

By clicking on a subject string, users can see a list of works related to that subject, as well as how the subject string is connected to the concepts it comprises.

Subject page.png

Clicking on the concepts, a basic version of the Concept page is displayed.

Similar Publications tab

A new tab on the Publication page showing similar Publications in the same language. We are analysing the algorithm to create similar publications to extend its scope to broader similarity criteria.

Similar publications.png

Small revamping to look and feel

As part of the UX/UI working group's activities, it was decided to switch to sans-serif fonts for a modern look and feel. Additionally, elements on the homepage of have been resized to create a more harmonious and visually appealing design.

Portal switch mechanism

A new Switch site button has been added at the bottom of portal group and skin / institutional portals homepages internal pages (see definitions of portal groups and skin portals). This button opens a menu where users can select through which portal they want to explore. The aim is to connect portal groups with the related skin portal, so that end users have an immediate overview of what individual skin portals are connected to a portal group.

Switch site.png

Overall, the majority of fixes and enhancements extend to rectifying data retrieval errors and fine-tuning data retrieval errors, culminating in a more uniform and seamless user interaction with the system. Across the board, these efforts work cohesively to bolster the system's intuitiveness and reliability, facilitating smoother navigation and ensuring precise data representation.

Share Family community work and cooperation

The Share Family is committed to fostering cooperation among its member institutions to showcase the immense value of being part of an initiative developed and driven by libraries for libraries.

Ongoing conversations with consortia representatives are underway to define the configurations of this innovative collaboration.

As an example of this effort, the Share Family Executive Summary for Consortia offers additional insights into how the Share Family can assist consortia in transitioning to linked open data, providing valuable strategies and support. Approved by our Advisory Council, the document emphasizes Share Family’s pivotal role in aiding consortia in adopting linked data methodologies for enhanced collaboration. The Share Family aims to empower consortia with the tools and knowledge necessary to seamlessly integrate linked open data principles, fostering innovation and interoperability within consortia networks.

Share-VDE and Share Family Working Groups

Working Groups are the backbone of Share Family activities, which are driven by input from member institutions in a joint effort with Share Staff.

Important tasks are being carried on to support the complete shaping of the SVDE Ontology within the Sapientia Entity Identification group: at the time of writing, the definition of the Opus type individuals is being consolidated (ie. the addition to the ontology of the definitions of the various types of Opus, ie. abstract works and resources that the entity model can support). These additions will be reflected by both the general search and discovery portal, as well as in JCricket Entity Editor.

More on the work carried out on the Opus types was shared by Nancy Lorimer at the 2024 Share Family Workshop in her SVDE Ontology - Update July 2024.

The User Experience – User Interface Working Group cooperating with the National Bibliographies Working Group has analyzed the front-end layer of the entity discovery portals according to a set of evaluation criteria (including for example usability and accessibility, consistency of design and navigation, overall user friendliness, integration with SVDE features and local library discoveries etc.), and is now revising a new design proposal for the Publication page of the entity discovery portal, presenting the aggregation of Work and Instance data. Also the relationship between publication data and the connected item data are being reviewed by identifying user tasks for publication and item data discovery, to support better navigation and end user data consumption.

IFLA, Linked data and BIBFRAME communities

Share Family members continue to play an active role in the library information and linked data communities.

Tiziana Possemato takes on the role of Official liaison IFLA Bibliography Section / Share Family National Bibliographies group, formerly held by Maud Henry from KBR - Royal Library of Belgium. This will ensure the continuation of the collaboration with the IFLA Bibliography Section that Tiziana is already a member of. Related to IFLA activities, a presentation was given at IFLA Midterm meeting of the IFLA Section Preservation and Conservation (PRESCONS), on March 22 2024, by Tiziana Possemato, on the topic of The Share Family initiative to bring Linked Open Data into practice.

Share-VDE participation in the BIG - BIBFRAME Interoperability Group established to create guidelines for data exchange in BIBFRAME, continues successfully, This cooperation with organisations and projects in the BIBFRAME community will foster the extension of the methods and tools shared by linked data nodes for BIBFRAME interoperability.

Information resources

To facilitate the continuous exchange of ideas and principles that collectively define the vision, aims, and progress of Share Family environments and their tools, new materials and accompanying documents have been created to guide member institutions through this process. By utilizing shared materials and documents, member institutions can seamlessly integrate into the Share Family, actively participate in collaborative initiatives, and contribute to the ongoing development and success of the endeavor.


Article in the Cataloging & Classification Quarterly journal "A Comparative Evaluation of the Share-VDE Search System"

We are pleased to announce the publication of "A Comparative Evaluation of the Share-VDE Search System" by Jim Hahn, Kayt Ahnberg, and Liliana Giusti Serra from the University of Pennsylvania in Cataloging & Classification Quarterly.

This article details a two-year study involving remote UX interviews with twenty participants, including catalogers, students, and faculty. The research used IFLA LRM user tasks and interface evaluation methods to assess how linked data, specifically BIBFRAME, supports search objectives through the Share-VDE portal.

CNI Project Briefing Series contribution with Share Family video presentation

We recently participated in the Coalition for Networked Information's Project Briefing Series, where we shared insights from the ongoing efforts of the Share Family initiative.

Nina Servizzi, Martin Knott and Jacquie Samples presented "The Share Family: Cooperation and Interconnection for a Sustainable Linked Open Data Ecosystem", providing an overview of the Share Family's linked data ecosystem and its impact on library operations.

They explored various aspects, including collaborative cataloging, advanced metadata management tools, and discovery portals, highlighting how these innovations are shaping knowledge accessibility. Access the recording and presentation slides on the CNI’s website and on our wiki at

You can read and share the announcement on the Share Family website:

Parsifal: monograph on "A model of library collaboration for sharing recorded knowledge"

The digital edition of Parsifal proceedings is online at It features papers presented at Parsifal catalog inauguration: "A model of library collaboration for sharing recorded knowledge", held at the Pontificia Università Urbaniana, Vatican City, on May 11th, 2023, along with other previously unpublished essays. The print edition has been released in May. You can access this resource also on the Share Family wiki

Highlighted articles include:

You can read and share the announcement on the Share Family website:

Dissemination channels


The primary channel for staying up to date with our project is the Share Family website, This digital hub connects our community and serves as a window into the heart of the Share Family initiative, offering a comprehensive overview of our mission, values, goals, and technology. Additionally, the website is a dynamic platform for staying informed about our latest activities, events, and advancements.

YouTube channel

Check out the Share Family’s new YouTube channel at

Subscribe to keep up to date with our presentations and events, access informative materials and more!  

Our latest videos:

New Public Documentation section in the Share Family wiki

This wiki section offers a wealth of resources meticulously curated to enhance your knowledge of our projects.

This section contains information about the technological core of the Share Family, the LOD Platform. Insights into the LOD Platform provide a comprehensive overview of the tools, frameworks, and technologies employed to construct and maintain this robust infrastructure supporting the Share Family. Also, the options available for configuring the Entity Discovery Portal part of the LOD Platform provide an overview of the options designed to enhance the experience of end users navigating the linked data descriptions of the resources displayed. These can be applied to individual institutions, consortia or networks of institutions.

From detailed user guides about our discovery portals and editing tool, to the glossary, to exhaustive release notes providing insights into every incremental update, this documentation ensures you're always informed and up-to-date about new developments.

Developers and enthusiasts alike will also be able to access a wealth of API documentation and delve deeper into the technological underpinnings of Share Family with comprehensive information on its core components. This section is a work in progress and will be enriched with more detailed documentation about key components.

Begin your exploration of Share Family's documentation by clicking on this link:

You can read and share the announcement on the Share Family website:


Regular virtual and in-person events, such as conferences, workshops, and working group meetings, provide opportunities for member institutions to connect, share ideas, and explore potential areas of collaboration.

As usual, documentation stemming from events and presentations (slides and, often, recordings) is available on this page Share Family wiki.

Share Family workshop at ALA 2024

We're excited to share that slides and recording of the 2024 Share-VDE workshop, held on July 1, 2024 at ALA Annual, are now available for access on our wiki page.

Workshop Agenda:

  • JCricket Linked Data Editor Demonstration, Tiziana Possemato, Casalini Libri and @Cult - Share Family;
  • FOLIO and Lehigh University Pilot, Boaz Nadav Manes, Lehigh University and Sebastian Hammer, Index Data;
  • SVDE Ontology - Update July 2024, Nancy Lorimer, Stanford University;
  • The SHARE Catalogue: Unimarc-Bibframe Mapping - An Evolving Path, Claudio Forziati, Federico II University in Naples, SHARE Catalogue;
  • Real-Time “RDFization” - How to Provide Instant Semantic Graphs without Any RDF Storage, Andrea Gazzarini, Spaziocodice - Share Family.

Direct links:

Share Family update at the Library of Congress July 2024 BIBFRAME Update Forum

Tiziana Possemato participated in the Library of Congress July 2024 BIBFRAME Update Forum, providing an update on the Share Family linked data ecosystem and its component, Share-VDE.

The various Share Family projects uphold the standardization of BIBFRAME linked data as defined by the Library of Congress. The presentation emphasized how standard BIBFRAME is crucial to the library community’s integrated environments, especially as systems proliferate, from both the interoperability and the data curation perspectives.

Follow this link for slides and a recording of the presentation titled Fostering BIBFRAME collaboration: interoperability and data curation with the Share Family.  

Next events

Updates on events involving the Share Family are regularly published on the website page

BIBFRAME Workshop in Europe 2024

Tiziana Possemato will present Share Family: advancements in linked data collaboration at the 2024 BIBFRAME Workshop in Europe. This will be an update on current developments,  especially on the JCricket entity editor, UNIMARC management and third party interoperability. Check out the BIBFRAME Workshop in Europe’s website and register in person or online:

Share Family meeting in Helsinki – members only

On Thursday 19th September 2024 we will hold a private, informal Share Family meeting in Helsinki, at NLF National Library of Finland!

This meeting will be after the two-days BIBFRAME Workshop in Europe, also held at NLF on 17-18 September. More logistic instructions on how to participate in-presence and online will be sent to members.

WOLFCon 2024

Tiziana Possemato, Sebastian Hammer and representatives from Lehigh University Libraries will participate in WOLFcon 2024 with a session titled MARC My Words: Navigating the BIBFRAME Frontier. Learn more about WOLFcon and how to register here:

DCMI 2024

Andrea Gazzarini will present Leveraging Linked Data Fragments for enhanced data publication: the Share-VDE case study at this year’s DCMI in Toronto. More information about the 2024 DCMI here: More details will be shared as soon as the program is available.

Charleston Conference 2024

Nina Servizzi, Boaz Nadav-Manes, Sebastian Hammer, Tiziana Possemato will present in a joint session New pathways for resource description and interoperability: innovative strategies from the Share Family Ecosystem. More information about the Charleston Conference 2024 here: More details will be shared as soon as the program is available.

Your opinion is always welcome: to provide feedback on the Share Family discovery website, report bugs and suggestions as external users reach out through the forum or send a message to

For general information on the initiative, contact