User guides

Revision as of 08:29, 22 February 2024 by Serena Cericola (talk | contribs)

LOD Platform UX guide

This comprehensive document offers insights into the intricacies of the Linked Open Data Platform (LOD Platform) entity discovery web interface, commonly referred to as the 'discovery portal,' tailored for users. As the platform undergoes continuous enhancements and refinements, the information presented in this guide may evolve over time. Nonetheless, it serves as a valuable resource to familiarize users with the platform's functionalities and layout.

The guide is a living document and can be found on this link:

JCricket UX guide

This document provides you with an overview of various aspects of the JCricket features within the Share Family Linked Open Data Platform (LOD Platform) product through this detailed guide, specifically focusing on functionalities utilized by member institutions for data editing and management underlying the non-staff experience in the LOD Platform. Just like the product it describes, this guide remains dynamic, reflecting ongoing development and adjustments. Nevertheless, it offers foundational insights into understanding the layout and capabilities of JCricket features.

The guide is a living document and can be found at this link: