Last edited 2 months ago
by Anna Lionetti

Share-VDE working groups

Revision as of 15:35, 16 March 2020 by Anna Lionetti (talk | contribs)

The activities of Share-VDE are organised into several work strands. Being a community initiative, the goals and desired outcomes are defined by the participating institutions through active engagement in different working groups. The groups have regular meetings that are reported in the annual meeting calendar.

SVDE Advisory Council (AC)

The Share-VDE Advisory Council's role is to provide insight and analysis of the MARC to BIBFRAME transformation to make recommendations for improvements based on member library data analysis, and project documentation. The AC also provides overall guidance to the activities of Share-VDE initiative and Working Groups.

See the dedicated area SVDE Advisory Council.

SVDE-AC Authority/Identifier Management Services working group (AIMS)

The Authority/Identifier Management Services WG defines guidelines and best practices for Authority/Identifier management in the linked data environment; defines scope and data-flow for creation and implementation of Service based on preliminary documentation; proposes additional use cases identified as essential for effective knowledge base management.

See the dedicated area SVDE AIMS Working Group.

SVDE-AC Cluster Knowledge Base Editor working group (CKB editor)

An essential part of the MARC to RDF conversion process is the maintenance of metadata that have been produced and registered on the Cluster Knowledge Base (CKB); the group analyses how libraries interact with the CKB and their use of the Editor for modifying (correcting / enriching), deleting, merging and separating clusters; the same approach will be applied on the data originally created in BIBFRAME.

See the dedicated area CKB editor Working Group.

SVDE-AC Sapientia Entity Identification working group (WID)

The Work Identification WG reviews the Share-VDE clustering process and submits feedback on potential improvements or optimizations; reviews the use of primary resource identifiers in Share-VDE dataset and provides feedback as appropriate; engages with the PCC to identify and/or develop best practices for use of these identifiers in BIBFRAME and MARC data.

See the dedicated area SVDE Sapientia Entity Identification Working Group.

SVDE-AC User Experience/User Interface working group (UX-UI)

The User Experience/User Interface WG re-designs Share-VDE user interface to respond to both patrons and library staff requirements and expectations, to reflect the components of the Share-VDE data model infrastructure, and to provide an intuitive user experience.

See the dedicated area SVDE UX-UI Working Group.

How to become a member of a working group

Share-VDE libraries are welcome to join one or more working groups based on their interest in a specific work strand and on the active contribution they can bring to the discussion. To become a member of a working group, contact the chair or Share-VDE team at