The Share-VDE Domain Model can be queried using GraphQL.
This page describes the interface in terms of entities, operations, parameters and information related with this interaction mode.
GraphQL is a schema-based contract interface. That means a domain using GraphQL as interaction protocol must declare a schema where the following things need to be defined:
- entities
- attributes
- operations
- parameters
A special set of constructs within the protocol/language allow clients to query and introspect the defined schema. Here's an example
__schema {
types {
which produces the following response (partial):
"data": {
"__schema": {
"types": [
"name": "Agent"
"name": "AgentClause"
"name": "AgentCollection"
"name": "AgentStructQL"
More information about the GraphQL introspection capability can be found here; also please keep note the Share-VDE GraphiQL UI provides a navigable section which queries the schema and provides the introspection data in a human-readable way (see the Docs link on the right side of the UI).
At time of writing there's only one directive in the Share-VDE GraphQL Schema: it is called "availableOnlyFor" and it is used to mark protected resources that require a privileged role for their access.
See the following schema extract:
type Provenance {
uri: ID!
code: String
description: String
status: [RuntimeClusterStatus] @availableOnlyFor(role: "svde-editor-base")
In the example, the status field is accessible only if the requestor has a svde-editor-base (or higher) role associated. Otherwise it will return null.
Being a cross-cutting concept, the Provenance API and their behaviour are detailed in this top-level section, beside the other available API.
Search API
This category includes all endpoints that are part of the Share-VDE Search API: they require a caller having a minimal role level (svde-reader).
The available endpoints are detailed in this page.
Curation API
This category includes the access to those resources that are part of Share-VDE Curation API. Due to the level of information exposed, the access to these resources require at least a basic editing role capabilities (i.e. svde-editor-base or higher)