Last edited 4 days ago
by Anna Lionetti

Documentation and activities

Revision as of 14:38, 18 October 2024 by Anna Lionetti (talk | contribs)

This section is a summary of Share-VDE and Share Family activities. If after clicking on a link to a page or a file you are requested to input your credentials, it means that the resource is available to Share-VDE and Share Family members only.

Useful documentation

For new members, useful tools and information describing the main procedures and practicalities to get on board can be found in the Members area section.

While the Public documentation section collects detailed information on the components and tools underlying the Share-VDE and Share Family technology.

Latest activities

The following activities track the major progresses in order to make Share-VDE evolve, as sketched in the presentation of the initiative.

  • Share-VDE is live at with an enhanced Entity Discovery Portal and Linked Data Management System. The load of Share-VDE libraries’ data will be done progressively and currently the discovery portal hosts a subset of the data of member institutions. Developments are being carried on to move all the technological components to a full production state.
  • Users external to Share-VDE are welcome to provide feedback on the discovery portal, report bugs and suggestions: reach out through the forum

News and updates are periodically published on this wiki in an extensive Bulletin.

Share development team organisation

The numerous upgrades to the back-end and front-end infrastructures over the years lead to an enhanced version of the LOD Platform, that is the technology framework of the Share Family of initiatives.

The Share IT team has been restructured and enlarged in order to cope with the increasing complexity of the developments, meet the needs of the community and interconnect with several projects. There are several development sub-teams devoted to the main components of the system:

  • Infrastructure & Architecture (set-up and enhancement of the backbone of the system);
  • Clustering module (continuous optimisation of the core components for data processing and aggregated entities creation);
  • Backend APIs (Database and Indexing, APIs development for Share Family portals, JCricket backend functions);
  • Frontend (design and creation of general frontend components, frontend of Share Family portals implementation and interaction with backend, JCricket front-end functions);
  • BIBFRAME and RDF conversion (refactoring of the component that creates BIBFRAME / RDF data and that feeds triple store for SPARQL queries).

Current goals

Among many work strands that the Share Family development staff is involved in, the current focus is on the enhancement of the whole Share-VDE and Share Family infrastructure, including:

  • the first version of the linked data entity editor JCricket, that will enable several actions on the clusters of entities saved in the SVDE Cluster Knowledge Base, including creation, modification, merge of clusters of works, of agents etc.;
  • third parties integration through the automated interaction between SVDE and external ILS/LSP such as Alma, FOLIO and Sinopia;
  • the creation of a SVDE ontology as outcome of the dedicated Sapientia Entity Identification working group;
  • further progresses on the developments of new tenants, skin portals and SVDE localisations;
  • continuously feeding the PCC data pool with regular updates of PCC records converted to linked data.

To read the latest updates issued to the Share Family community and track back previous progresses, see the Share Family News and updates page.

Events and conferences

Share-VDE fosters the participation of its members to conferences, events and initiatives of interest for the community. The dedicated sub-group Library Community Events monitors the events in the library community and evaluates which ones are appropriate to submit to. The aim of this group is to put SVDE member libraries in the foreground as the protagonists of SVDE initiative itself, share outcomes, disseminate results and possibly expand the SVDE community as an effect of the group activity.

An internal calendar is continuously updated with the relevant events (see below) and the output of participation to initiatives, events and presentations are collected in the section dedicated to articles and resources.

Screenshot from the internal calendar of events monitored by the Library Community Events sub-group