Last edited 13 hours ago
by Anna Lionetti

Share-VDE institutions

Revision as of 15:20, 6 March 2023 by Anna Lionetti (talk | contribs)

Share-VDE currently connects the catalogues of libraries in the US, Canada and Europe, and includes an ad hoc pool of data from the PCC - Program from Cooperative Cataloguing member libraries, in the framework of the LD4P3 project.

The founding members of the initiative are the Library of Congress, the National Library of Norway, Stanford University, the University of Alberta, the University of Chicago, the University of Pennsylvania.

All Share-VDE members contribute to the initiative through the Advisory Council and the working groups devoted to the various work streams.

Share-VDE full members

Share-VDE platform hosts the data of the full member institutions:

Cohort libraries

The institutions taking advantage of the Share-VDE Linked Data Lifecycle Support and contributing to the Share-VDE Cluster Knowledge Base are:

R&D phases

The institutions that participated in the R&D phases are: